Reusable bags for one week

Okay I chose this challenge because I am called a “Bag Lady” 🙂 because I always have a bag with me. No matter where I go, when I get a bag, I make sure I reuse it till there is no other way to use it. I will try to keep track of the amount of bags I reused in one week. I always tell my co-workers that I always need a bag because I never know when it will come to good use. So, I will feel better now that its not just my silliness that wants me to keep my bags, I am also doing it for a good cause.


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I went to Shop Rite and of course like many supermarkets, they put the items in bags. I requested that the cashier not put my groceries in bags, she looked at me as if I was crazy. The cashier started to give me red Paid stickers to put on my items until she realized that will be a lot of stickers. She contacted her supervisor to ask if it’s okay she save the stickers and allow me to leave with out plastic bags, and of course she asked me was I sure about not putting my groceries in bags. I walked out filling so good.


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