
My name is Shefah which means Abundance in Hebrew. I have always have a desire to help humanity, I never really thought of doing it by living a more sustainable lifestyle, however, when I look back on my childhood, their have been many instances where we were committed to sustainability.

As a child I could remember the elders in my community reusing the kitchen scraps to grow more veggies, making sure that we don’t through away food as their are many people who don’t have what we were blessed to have, or using the entire veggie to make a juice and using the pulp to make a salad. My grandmother and aunts used the sun to cook with the use of solar cooker, I remember going out to the farm and growing our own fruits and veggies which was very healthy and fed thousands of people. So in away sustainability have always been apart of my lifestyle in a small way, but I never realized how important it is in today’s world.

Image result for solar cooking

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